Idlhofgasse / Schulgasse (today’s Kernstockgasse) Leopold Bude, 1899 / 1890

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Snapshots of City Development

It is considered as almost certain today that the photographer Leopold Bude was commissioned by the municipality of Graz to take these pictures toward the end of the 19th century to document the rapid transformation of the cityscape. In contrast to the focus on the historic building stock of the inner city, almost two-thirds of the more than 400 of his photographs we know of show the outskirts of the city. Bude made a name for himself as a portrait and art photographer and owned Styria’s largest photo studio in today’s Girardigasse.

BW photographs on albumen paper
28,8 × 34,7 cm / 36,5 × 47,7 cm
Graz Museum

Leopold Bude’s photographs were also widely distributed as postcards, although not the motifs he had photographed in the suburbs of Graz.

Grazer Herbstmesse, Haase's Achterbahn, 1912, Postkarte, GrazMuseum

© GrazMuseum

Café u. Restaurant Pilsnerkeller in Eggenberg, 1910, Postkarte, GrazMuseum

© GrazMuseum

Graz - Eislaufplatz = Turnhalle, 1908, Postkarte, GrazMuseum

© GrazMuseum

Graz, Hilmteich aus der Vogelschau, 1918, Postkarte, GrazMuseum

© GrazMuseum

Graz, Schillerstraße gegen Schloßberg, um 1915, Postkarte, GrazMuseum

© GrazMuseum

Leonhardstraße, 1915, Postkarte, GrazMuseum

© GrazMuseum

Kaiser-Josefs-Kai (Alter Murquai mit Personen-Dampfer im Jahre 1889), um 1905 - 1910, Postkarte, 1889, GrazMuseum

© GrazMuseum

Graz. Rathaus, 1917, Postkarte, GrazMuseum

© GrazMuseum

Graz, Annenstraße, um 1920, Postkarte, GrazMuseum

© GrazMuseum

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